How much is your time worth?

The truth is there’s no secret sauce to producing a podcast. If you’re an entrepreneur then you’re pretty smart and can do a lot all by yourself. The real question is do you trust someone else can handle your podcast as good as you (or better) so you can focus on the things that only you can do. Well, with Podfixer the answer to that question is YES!


No Freelancers to Hire


No Team to Manage


No New Systems to Create


No New Systems

The Podfixer Guarantee:

No Long-term Contracts

Nobody likes being locked into a contract—not even us. We want every customer to be happy and if that means parting ways, then we want even that experience to be the very best it can.  

Dedicated Support

A successful podcast has a lot of moving pieces and you’re sure to have a lot of questions. We want your podcast to be as successful as possible. We’ll be here to help the whole way.

Hassle-Free Revisions

Need to change a title? Want to push back a publish date? Running a business can be hectic, dealing with your podcast shouldn’t be. With Podfixer, we make it easy.

All The Ways We Help:

Pro-Level Audio Editing

Your Audio Is In Great Hands

There’s no substitute for having human ears listen to every second of your podcast audio or video; and there’s no software in the world that can correct the detail and nuance of spoken language. That’s why we only use professional audio experts to edit your podcast.

Custom Images

Don't Suffer With Stock Images

Your podcast needs to stand out and using a stock image that the world has seen a million times won’t make that happen. Sadly, stock images are old, tired, and over-used. At Podfixer, we create fresh, custom images that stand out and represent your brand.

Show Notes

Podcasts Are Not All About Audio

Show Notes, Summary, Description… whatever you call it, they are more important than you think. Listeners want to know what the episode is about before engaging. Not to mention the SEO value. No podcast episode is complete without show notes. Show notes that are well thought out and well written only make your podcast even better.

Transcription / Subtitles

Mandatory For SEO & Searchability

Transcripts used to be a luxury for podcasters, but that’s no longer the case. Now that content is king there’s no better way to create searchable content than with transcripts. As time goes on even podcast episodes will be searchable based on the transcript. Get ahead of the curve now and position your podcast for maximum SEO value.

Teaser Videos

Entice Listeners With a Snippet

On average, humans have the attention span of a goldfish. That’s not a lot to work with. So you need something to make listeners “pull the trigger” on the play button. A 1-2 minute video with subtitles is the most effective way to make this happen. Our team listens for and then extracts the juiciest nugget in your episode and then creates a short teaser video with subtitles made just for social media.

YouTube Publication

More Reach, More Influence

Podcasting used to be all about the audio. That is no longer true. In fact, many podcasters are turning to video as an easy way to engage more listeners and increase their branding footprint. Video podcasting is a massive goldmine of content if it’s done well. It’s well worth the extra effort and pays dividends in the end. Podfixer can handle every aspect of your YouTube publication from start to finish.

Podcast Analytics

Find Out Who's Listening

Getting good data about your podcast listeners is really hard. Truth is there’s no one place to aggregate all the data unless you use a single-player location—but who wants that? We can set up Google Analytics on your website to track listener engagement. This is especially helpful if you have opt-ins or sell products or services.

Marketing Emails

Keep In Touch With Your Tribe

Our number one strength at Podfixer is creating loads of amazing content from all available sources. We can craft engaging emails that speak directly to your tribe using the content from your podcast episodes. Staying in touch with the people who want to hear from you has never been so easy.