Many businesses these days are using podcasts to improve their reach and enhance their results. They can be a powerful marketing tool when used correctly. The increased usage of mobile phones definitely has something to do with the explosive growth of podcasting, and getting involved sooner rather than later is an incredibly smart move for your business.

What Are The Benefits of Podcasting For Business?

There are a ton of benefits of podcasting for business. Below, we’ll describe some of the best benefits:

It’s a Great Alternative to Video

Video marketing is another important aspect of marketing your business. However, not everybody wants to shoot a video, for whatever reason. If you’re uncomfortable in front of the camera, this may negatively impact your business, rather than help it.

Some small businesses might not have the equipment to shoot great videos right away, either. Lighting, sound, background, and editing platforms all play a part in creating a great video. Starting a podcast instead can be a wonderful way for you to get your ideas across and engage with your audience without doing something that you are unable (or you’d rather not) do.

Get More Traffic

Starting a podcast can be a great way for you to reach out to new audiences. Podcasts will help you to engage with a huge range of audiences, and you can turn many of them into regular listeners. All you have to do is be consistent in your podcast creation and the quality of your content. If you have an interested audience, they might just recommend your podcast to others.

Build a Better Relationship with Your Audience

Starting a podcast can be a great way for you to reach out to new audiences. Podcasts will help you to engage with a huge range of audiences, and you can turn many of them into regular listeners. All you have to do is be consistent in your podcast creation and the quality of your content. If you have an interested audience, they might just recommend your podcast to others.

Podcasts Can Work in Harmony with Other Marketing

It’s not like you have to create a podcast and that’s it. It’s a great marketing tool that works well with other marketing methods. Podcasts can work great alongside a blog, YouTube videos, and any other content you’re putting out there. If you’re not currently creating regular content, a podcast can simply be an easy way to start, before branching out later on. It can be time consuming to keep up with various forms of content, however, so it might be best to have people manage/edit content for you, and schedule it in advance so it’s not all you’re focused on doing.

A Podcast Can Highly Engage Your Audience

A podcast gives you the opportunity to talk about a topic in a highly interactive and engaging way – a way that a written piece of content might not be as good at. In the age of information overload, having the option to consume content like this is refreshing for audience members. In one survey conducted on 300,000 podcast listeners, it was found that 63% of the respondents had bought what the host had promoted.

This just goes to show that podcasts can engage your audience and encourage positive buying decisions.

Podcasting Will Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

If you regularly create podcasts, you could develop more confidence to speak in public. You might choose to host events, speak at seminars and conferences, or you might even build up the confidence needed to create video content. Not only will it improve your confidence, your actual tone of voice and flow will improve.

Podcasting Will Set You Apart from Your Competitors

Podcasting is extremely popular, sure, but many industries and businesses are still under-using them. This means that by creating your own podcast now, you could make yourself stand out from your competitors. Not only will you stand out, it’s likely you’ll become known as an authority in your industry.

Develop More Brand Loyalty

We mentioned how your audience will become more engaged and could be even more likely to buy from you, but podcasts could also help you to develop brand loyalty. Providing regular, useful, valuable, engaging content will give you a better reputation and lead to brand loyalty. You can also show off your personality, which will allow audience members to resonate with you more.

Important Things to Consider:

Now that you know you need to start a podcast, consider some of the important things below:

  • Many of the most successful podcasts last an hour or more. Production time can sometimes be consuming because of this.
  • Finding the right tone is something you’ll want to think carefully about. It’s all too easy to put on a ‘radio voice’ rather than be authentic and comfortable in your own voice and personality. Speaking naturally, in a conversational tone is important.
  • Have realistic expectations. It takes time to build a following and brand loyalty this way, but providing you are consistent and committed, it should do you a lot of good.
  • How your audience reacts to your content can help to guide your podcasts in the future.

Your business should start a podcast in order to share more relevant information with a wider audience, build your reputation, and get more conversions!